Sunday, January 2, 2011

A little discouraged

I ask myself what am I doing? It feels like my life is just a pile of goals, and it feels very cold to me. So if I learn to fly a plane, go skydiving, learn to speak french, even if i were to own a private castle in fairy land, those are wonderful things. But what about what makes life really rich? In my experience, being close to others and having loved ones is the greatest luxury life ever affords. I have great friends, but for the most part, it feels like i live my life in solo mode. Even the way I write, it always seems to be my own reflections. I miss my experience in Korea, where I was forced to be around others day in day out, almost every waking moment. It forced me to be open and deeply involved in others. Back home, there is a huge disconnect in my experience, and I am positive it is from my own habits and how I structure my own world. Maybe I should visit that volunteer goal of mine, and find something that redeems my humanity. That seems like a great focus for new years.

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