Saturday, April 23, 2011

It's Spring! Not that you can tell by the weather.

So Spring is here. I guess Spring has been here for a month, officially, but it never seems real to me until Easter. It is hard to believe with the perpetually pewter sky and nippy chill to the air. Where are the days for riding a scooter?

Work is slow, and I was thinking it has been a while since I have reflected, at least on this blog. I was considering the wonderful experience of being a dilettante, which is just a fancy way of saying someone with a short attention span that changes projects a lot and dabbles in several arts or hobbies without too much commitment to one project. Actually, it means this:

1. a person who takes up an art, activity, or subject merely for amusement, especially in a desultory or superficial way; dabbler.

That would be me! And I have the closests of half-finished projects and art-supplies to prove it. It's too bad it is not possible to be a professional dilettante. I would be an expert!

There's the costume making. And the oil painting. And the drawing. And the charcoals. And the quilting. Oh, and the beer brewing.

So I have been thinking about doing less 'thing' intensive dabbling. Things like bird watching, water skiing, and camping. I am all about doing fun and exciting things! I just want options that invovle less clutter.